January 9th, 2022: Let’s Follow His Plan- Josh. 1:1-11

One Comment on “January 9th, 2022: Let’s Follow His Plan- Josh. 1:1-11”

  1. Jerry, I hope you remember me, I left Grayson County in a emotional mess
    Denise and I got a divorce and I left without saying goodbye…. So sorry. I loved your preaching. The hardest thing I that I left was the family I could count on and it was CrossPoint, I haven’t been back to KY since I left in 2014. I think it was anyway
    You babtized me at Rough River
    I see you are in the Southgate mall
    I love the changes on the outside and inside of the building…. It truly warms my heart
    I live in Nothern Ohio. Go Buckeyes. KY has a good Football team this year. The SEC is stacked as usual. But beware of the Buckeyes this year. TJ has the Heisman loocked in so far. I hope we continue to push forward towards the National Championship game
    I would love to hear from you
    My home number is 567-393-0963
    Cell 740-466-7017
    Truly I have grown Spiritually off the tracks
    I would love to share it with you
    John Wyman

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